Our mission

At Black Lives Matter Georgia, our mission is to empower individuals, ​foster stronger bonds between communities and law enforcement, and ​advance towards a society characterized by justice and equity for all. ​Through education, training, and advocacy initiatives, we strive to ignite ​positive transformation within communities of color, championing ​equality, and driving meaningful change. Together, we stand committed to ​building a future where every voice is heard, every life is valued, and every ​person is treated with dignity and respect.

We envision a future where everyone lives in harmony, justice, and equity. Our vision is a ​society where systemic racism is dismantled, and all individuals, regardless of their ​background, have equal opportunities to thrive. We aspire to create a world where ​community bonds are strong, law enforcement operates with transparency and ​accountability, and every person’s humanity is recognized and honored. Together, we ​are building a legacy of empowerment, unity, and lasting positive change for all.


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Email: director@blmgeorgia.org

Black Lives Matter Georgia is a 501c3 nonprofit Copyright © 2020/2024 Black Lives ​Matter Georgia Inc. All rights reserved.